Senin, 07 November 2011




Kabuki is a traditional Japanese form of theater with its origins in the Edo Period. In contrast to the older forms of Japanese performing arts, such as Noh, Kabuki was initially popular only among the common townspeople and not among the higher social classes.

Kabuki plays are about historical events, moral conflicts, love relationships and the like. The actors use an old fashioned language which is difficult to understand even for some Japanese people. Actors speak in somewhat monotonous voices accompanied by traditional Japanese instruments.

Kabuki takes place on a rotating stage (kabuki no butai). The stage is further equipped with several gadgets like trapdoors through which the actors can appear and disappear. Another specialty of the kabuki stage is a footbridge (hanamichi) that leads through the audience.

In the early years, both men and women acted in kabuki plays. Later during the Edo Period, the Tokugawa Shogunate forbade women from acting, a restriction that survives to the present day. Several male kabuki actors are therefore specialists in playing female roles (onnagata).
Nama : shabrina fildzah puteri SK 201

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